Buffalo Butchers:
Vol 16 Meat and Material from Large Game
In this video, Ron Hood takes you to Salmon, Idaho to visit professionals Joe and Denyce Bigley (Aboman and Abowoman) of Salmon Outdoor School. With the help of Lakota-Sioux and professional butcher Dallas Dupree, they harvest a Buffalo and show you the steps Native American's have taken to harvest, process and use almost every part of the animal. Learn how to skin the animal starting at the back, how to butcher it using both stone and steel tools, how to preserve the brain for brain-tanning at a later date, how to remove and prepare tendons for sinew, how to prepare the stomachs for use as a cooking vessel. Additionally learn how to make an expedient stone tool for skinning and butchering... and much, much more. This video shows graphic scenes. You would see much more graphic scenes on many nature programs on TV. This title is the companion to our Cave Cooking Vol. 5 - Buffalo Butchers: Primitive Cooking with Karen Hood 1 hr. 25 min. DVD Cave Cooking Vol 5 Buffalo Butchers: Primitive Cooking
Karen Hood takes you to Salmon, Idaho to meet with professional Abo cooker Denyce Bigley of Salmon Outdoor School. Follow Denyce through the steps the American Indians would have taken to prepare and use an entire buffalo for food. Learn all the steps to make a Native American meat perservation rack and how to smoke meat using it. Learn how to use the Buffalo's stomache as a cooking vessel the ancient way. Learn how to cook Buffalo Stew using hot rocks, how to cook fish using bark and clay, how to utilize the intestines for traditional Buffalo Sausage. Learn about some wild edibles the Native Americans would have used in cooking. See how to use those wild edibles to make a delicious and nutritious hot tea. All this and much more in this stunner of a video! This title is a companion to our Woodsmaster Vol 16 - Buffalo Butcher: Meat and Materials from Large Game with Ron Hood. approx. 1 hr 25 min. +
The final video in the Buffalo Butchers saga Vol 17 is "The Final Chapter".
In this video we look at more lithic arts (percussion/pecking and pressure flaking as well as tools and safety for the process), how to make charcloth, and tanning. The tanning element covers a couple of projects in a couple of ways. We tan the hide of an animal harvested and salted over 20 years ago and we take a deer hide from its raw state to smoked and pliable. We also discuss tendons and how to prepare them for use. We take a quick look at blade profiles and a close look at the work of one of our Hoodlum members, Scott from Razorback knives. It's jam packed with information and much of it is presented by Posse member, wilderness expert and good friend, Joe Bigley at the Sacajawea center in Salmon Idaho. I think you'll get a real kick out of this one. DVD Ver 17 Chapters. 1 hour and 45 minutes.